MacWorld 1997 September
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Serious Software
Presenter 3D
ModelPro Docs
ModelPro Reference Digest
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271 lines
Item Creation tools
Line [l]
Drag a single straight line with vertices (endpoints only).
Tool Info palette
Length (data field and button)
Make numeric entry to set line length precisely.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Angle (2 data fields and 3 radio buttons)
Click a radio button to turn "on".
Make a numeric entry (degrees) to precisely set the angle of
the line.
Make a numeric entry (degrees) to precisely constrain the
drag operation described above.
Polygon (rectangle icon) [p]
Drag a polygon (minimum 3 sided).
Tool Info palette
Sides (data field)
Make numeric entry (positive whole numbers, minimum 3)
to determine how many sides the polygon will have.
Height/Width (2 data fields and 2 buttons)
Make numeric entry (Units) to precisely set the Height/Width.
Click on a button to toggle "on/off".
Rounded Rectangle
Drag a rectangle with rounded corners.
Tool Info palette
Width/Height (2 data fields and 2 buttons)
Make numeric entry (Units) to precisely set the Width/Height.
Radius (data field)
Make numeric entry (Units) to set the 4 corner radii.
Spline Surface
Drag a rectangular, flat spline surface.
Tool Info palette
Spacing Per Section (data field)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the "grid" size of
the surface.
As Lines (button)
Makes each intersection in the grid a "sharp" corner vertex (defaults
to each intersection in the grid is a "smooth curve" vertex).
Spline [b]
Click and/or drag to set connected vertices (sharp corners and
smooth curves).
Ellipse icon
Drag an ellipse. (Hold Shift key to constrain to a circle.)
Tool Info palette
Circle Radius (data field)
Make numeric entry (Units) to constrain to a precisely sized
circular ellipse.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
90° Arc [a]
Drag a 90° elliptical arc. (Hold Shift key to constrain to 90° circular arc.)
Tool Info palette
Radius (data field)
Make numeric entry (Units) to constrain to a precisely sized
circular arc.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Circular Arc
Drag from center to edge to determine radius of arc; release mouse,
then drag around circle (intuitive interface) to determine angle of arc;
click to create arc.
Tool Info palette
Center to Start/Start to Center (2 radio buttons)
Determines the direction you drag to set the radius of arc.
Click a radio button to turn "on".
Radius/Start/End (data display only)
Displays info to help you to create the size arc you want.
Radius (Units); Start/End (degrees).
Text (“T” icon)
Enter character(s) in Tool Info data field; drag in View window to determine
text size; click Engage button in Tool Info palette.
Hold shift key to ensure proportional sizing.
Tool Info palette
Fonts (pull-down menu)
Displays TrueType fonts installed in your System Folder.
(Type 1 font character strings must be Imported (File menu).)
Click-hold to expose the list; drag down the list to choose a font;
release the mouse to select the font.
data field
Enter characters in the data field.
Tracking (letter/word spacing). Center is default spacing; slide to right
increases spacing; slide to left decreases spacing.
Engage (button)
Click to make the text 2D contours.
3D Primitive tools
In each instance, drag to intuitively create the volumetric shape.
Each Primitive has its own Tool Info palette for precise creation of the shape.
Double-click on a Primitive or on its name in the Groups palette to access the
item’s Information dialog box (to precisely edit the dimensions of the
Primitive). Click on Convert to Spline Mesh button to convert the Primitive data
type to a Spline Mesh data type (in preparation to perform vertex/surface
operations -- DigitalClay).
Tool Info palette
Height/Width/Depth (3 data fields and 3 buttons)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise size of the cube.
Click on a button to toggle "on/off".
Cube Information dialog box
Convert to Spline Mesh (button)
Tool Info palette
Sides (data field)
Make numeric entry (positive whole numbers, minimum 3) to determine
how many sides the prism will have.
Height/Width/Depth (3 data fields and 3 buttons)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise size of the prism.
Click on a button to toggle "on/off".
Prism Information dialog box
Caps (two check boxes)
Determines whether or not the Prism is end-capped or not.
Sides (data field)
Make an entry (whole number >2) to determine the number
of “faces” on the Prism.
Secondary (one data field)
Length/Height -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set the
length/height of the Prism.
Primary (two data fields)
Vertical Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set this
dimension of the Prizm.
Horizontal Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set
this dimension of the Prism.
Base X, Y, Z (three data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the base dimensions of the Prism.
Tool Info palette
Sides (data field)
Make numeric entry (positive whole numbers, minimum 3) to determine
how many sides the pyramid will have.
Height/Width/Depth (3 data fields and 3 buttons)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise size of the pyramid.
Click on a button to toggle "on/off".
Pyramid Information dialog box
Caps (two check boxes)
Determines whether or not the Pyramid is end-capped or not.
Sides (data field)
Make an entry (whole number >2) to determine the number
of “faces” on the Pyramid.
Secondary (one data field)
Length/Height -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set the
length/height of the Pyramid.
Primary (two data fields)
Vertical Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set this
dimension of the Pyramid.
Horizontal Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set
this dimension of the Pyramid.
Base X, Y, Z (three data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the base dimensions of the Pyramid.
Tool Info palette
Depth (data field and button)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise distance from center
of base to point of the cone.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Radius (data field and button)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise size of the base of
the cone.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Cone Information dialog box
Caps (two check boxes)
Determines whether or not the Cone is end-capped or not.
Secondary (one data field)
Length/Height -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set the
length/height of the Cone.
Primary (two data fields)
Vertical Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set this
dimension of the Cone.
Horizontal Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set
this dimension of the Cone.
Base X, Y, Z (three data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the base dimensions of the Cone.
Tool Info palette
Depth (data field and button)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise distance from end to
end of the cylinder.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Radius (data field and button)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise radius of
the cylinder.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Cylinder Information dialog box
Caps (two check boxes)
Determines whether or not the Cylinder is end-capped or not.
Secondary (one data field)
Length/Height -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set the
length/height of the Cylinder.
Primary (two data fields)
Vertical Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set this
dimension of the Cylinder.
Horizontal Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set
this dimension of the Cylinder.
Base X, Y, Z (three data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the base dimensions of
the Cylinder.
Tool Info palette
Radius (data field and button)
Make numeric entry (Units) to determine the precise radius of the sphere.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Cylinder Information dialog box
Sphere Parameters
Center X, Y, Z (data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the position of the center of
the Sphere.
Radius X, Y, Z (data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the size of
the Sphere.
Tool Info palette
Main Radius (data field and button)
Make an entry (Units) to determine the precise distance from the center of
the "donut" toward its edge to center of the Minor Radius.
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Minor Radius
Make an entry (Units) to precisely determine half the distance between
the outer edge of the "hole" and the outer-most edge of the "donut"
Click on the button to toggle "on/off".
Torus Information dialog box
Primary (two data fields)
Vertical Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set this
dimension of the Torus.
Horizontal Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set
this dimension of the Torus.
Secondary (two data fields)
Vertical Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set this
dimension of the Torus.
Horizontal Radius -- make an entry (Units) to precisely set
this dimension of the Torus.\
Center X, Y, Z (data fields)
Make entries (Units) to precisely set the position of the center of
the Torus.